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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Shock Troopers (Arcade)

12:00 AM
Shock Troopers title screen
This one's another game request, and apparently it's an overhead run and gun a bit like Mercs, which I played early last year on the Megadrive/Genesis and didn't much like.

Looking back though, it's hard to tell what exactly I didn't like about the game. Mostly because I barely wrote anything about it. Okay it was a mindless shoot 'em up so I probably didn't have much to work with, but I'm sure I could have come up with something a bit more insightful than "Sup guys, I'm in a truck now! Truck beats goons. Oh damn. Tank beats truck." Guess I'm adding that one to the list of games I'm going to have to replay some day.

But anyway, here's Shock Troopers. It's a mindless shoot 'em up!
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