To find a colourful FPS, I'm going right back to the start. I want to see 8 by 8 pixel unreadable scribbles against a backdrop of wall-t...

To find a colourful FPS, I'm going right back to the start. I want to see 8 by 8 pixel unreadable scribbles against a backdrop of wall-t...
Today's J game is... Turbografx-16 platformer J.J. & Jeff ! Though it's possibly more notorious under its Japanese name of Kato-...
By request, today I'm taking a quick look at Snatcher , Hideo Kojima's next project after he finished Metal Gear . It was originally...
Today's 'J' game is Star Wars: Dark Forces II - Jedi Knight , or whatever order those names go in. Either way there's defini...
I'm picturing a guy running across platforms with a sword. Maybe a sword that shoots magic lasers. Though on the other hand it could be ...
Today I'm taking a look at Jazz Jackrabbit , for the Game Boy Advance. Despite the name it's actually not a port of the original PC ...
A.k.a. Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken. I checked, and The Adventure of Little Ralph is a translation, not a subtitle. It doesn't seem to ...
I've played Die Hard on the PC Engine and PC, now it's time to Die Harder on the Atari ST. Nice of them to spoil the ending of th...
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream , now there's a proper sci-fi story title right there. It's the kind of name that lodges in your ...
I'm sick of these sci-fi games. We've had space robots , space dogs and space Marines all bunched up together. I want to play some...
This one was a request. I've already played Tom & Jerry 1 on the NES, but I'm skipping 2 because, well, there wasn't a sec...
Today's game is Incoming Forces , the sequel to Incoming by Rage Software, the people who brought the world Hostile Waters and a whole...
Racing maybe? Or perhaps a shoot 'em up. The cheesy music makes me think it could go either way. Read on »
I have no idea what happened to all the SNES games this year. A year back I must have been playing a new Super Nintendo game for the site ev...
Hey is that guy teaming up with a mouse? I wonder if my dude gets to have a rodent sidekick. Yeah, this one's pretty old. In fact it...
The original Earthworm Jim grabbed me, shook me around like a chew toy, then spat me out into a pile of trash. And not in a good way. But w...
Near the end of last year I had a look at Rage Software's Hostile Waters and seeing as I liked it someone mentioned in a comment that I...
He comes from another world to hunt humans for sport. And now he's stuck on Earth and plays first person shooters to earn his cab money ...
Due to overwhelming demand (one person almost asked for it) I've decided that the final 'H' game is going to be... Deus Ex : Hu...
Click to jump back to part one . Read on »
I couldn't play NES Mega Man without playing the DOS game too. It's an important piece of video game history. Apparently this was p...
No one's dying to see any screenshots of this game, but I had to get around to playing a Mega Man game sooner or later, and I decided t...
I'm playing this one by request... kind of. Earthworm Jim was the first game by the makers of Global Gladiators , Cool Spot , Aladdin ...
Today on Super Adventures I'm looking at the second game from Raven Software's Heretic series. It wasn't my original plan to pl...
I know it's an Atari Lynx game and they've only got a tiny res and a handful of colours to work with, but that just looks bad. Read ...