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Friday, June 12, 2015

Illusion of Time (SNES)

10:00 AM
Illusion of Time europe title screen
I have no idea what happened to all the SNES games this year. A year back I must have been playing a new Super Nintendo game for the site every other week, but somehow I've managed to avoid writing about one for over seven months straight (aside from like seven screenshots worth of words in my Genocide 2 article) and I don't even know why!

Well I'm fixing that right now, by taking a look at a classic Super Nintendo game, Illusion of Time. That's what it's called in Europe and Australia anyway, though you might know it better by the US title: Illusion of Gaia. You could also call it Soul Blazer II I suppose if you wanted to confuse people, as it's part of a trilogy of SNES RPGs by Japanese developer Quintet that ended with Terranigma (or Granstream Saga if, like author Douglas Adams, you consider the definition of 'trilogy' to be more of suggestion than a rule).
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