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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Planescape: Torment (PC)

5:53 PM
Planescape Torment title screen
Okay, today I'm playing critically acclaimed universally adored D&D PC RPG Planescape Torment! Actually it's set in the Planescape universe, so I suppose the title should be read as Planescape: Torment (or even just Torment). Crap, I've looked at the word too many times in a row and now I'm reading it as 'Plan escape'.

This was the second game use the Infinity Engine after Baldur's Gate (or should that be Forgotten Realms: Baldur's Gate), so I'm expecting the same sort of gameplay from it. Well, to be honest I already know exactly what kind of gameplay it has as I've played it before, though I didn't get very far. All I really remember about the game is getting locked inside a tomb and nibbled to death by an army of super intelligent rats over and over again until I turned it off in despair.
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