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Friday, August 16, 2013

Super Mario Kart (SNES)

12:56 PM
On reflection I think my Planescape: Torment post last time might have dragged on a little long. In fact I reckon I've been droning on too much in general and it's about time that I started cutting back. So I figured that today I'd take a look at Super Mario Kart, as I can never think of anything to say about racing games. Plus it was a request and it even starts with the word 'Super', so it'll be perfect for me!

I can't just play it for an hour and move on this time though, as this request came with a challenge attached: to do better at the game than (world famous) Japanese comedian Shinya Arino managed on GameCenter CX a while back. I don't want to spoil what he achieved in the episode though, so I'll hide the details under the next screenshot.

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