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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Fez (PC)

12:52 PM
Fez pc game title screen
Hi, you've found yourself on Super Adventures, where I play games for an hour or two to figure out what they are and show off some screenshots. I'm bored of 'E' games now, they've gotten old, so I'm moving up to exploit the untapped potential of the letter 'F', starting with puzzle-platformer Fez.

I realise that everyone else on Earth already knows everything about the game already, but it's all completely new to me so I'm playing it anyway. The game debuted on the Xbox 360 in 2015 and for a while seemed happy enough to just stay there and shun the outside world, though it did eventually make its way over to PCs and PlayStations over the next couple of years. I'll be playing it on Windows as that's the version I've got, but I don't expect there'll be any noticeable differences between the systems.

(Click the screenshots if you feel expanding them to their orginal res, though you won't be missing out on any details by leaving them small.)
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