Welcome to the third annual Super Adventures Screenshots of the Year article, showcasing the 52 greatest screenshots featured on the site th...

Welcome to the third annual Super Adventures Screenshots of the Year article, showcasing the 52 greatest screenshots featured on the site th...
Today I present to you the final Super Adventures article of the year and yes it's another bloody first person shooter. I figured that I...
Today on Super Adventures I'm playing classic PlayStation 2 JRPG Final Fantasy XII , sometimes also referred to as Final Fantasy 12 by ...
This year is the 50th anniversary of one of the greatest and most enduring science fiction television series ever made... but there's no...
Quake II is the sequel to id software's 1996 smash hit dimension-shifting Lovecraft-inspired fantasy first person shooter Quake . Actua...
Today I'm taking a short look at Parodius , the second game in the Parodius series, confusingly. They call it パロディウスだ! -神話からお笑いへ- in J...
Hello, I'm Ray Hardgrit and you've somehow found yourself reading Super Adventures in Gaming , the site where I play a game from my ...
Fans of murky faded screenshots rejoice, as today I'm taking a quick look at a classic World War 2 first person shooter (again). Medal o...
Here's another requested game for y'all. Today I thought I'd play an hour or so of retro platformer La-Mulana which, despite ho...
Today I'll be having a quick go of Fallout , the first game in the long running post-apocalyptic RPG series and the spiritual successor ...
Oh crap what have they done to Doomguy's hair? It looks like some demonic head-crab has attached itself to the back of his head. It migh...
Has that guy stuck a pair of fake eyebrows over his bandana? Today on Super Adventures I'm taking a look at semi-obscure platformer Yo! ...
Today I'm taking a brief look at real-time action strategy shooter hybrid Hostile Waters , released in the first half of 2001 for the so...
Here's a game that nobody requested, but I'm going to play it anyway as I'm tired of it staring at me from my Steam library. ...
Today on Super Adventures I'm taking a quick look at Batman: Arkham City , the second game in the universally beloved Arkham trilogy. Ca...
Today I've been forced (well, asked nicely) to take a look at Sonic Adventure 2 , which is something like the 30th of the Sonic games if...
Here's another requested game for y'all: Super Mario RPG , known in Japan as ' Super Mario RPG '. Good name that I reckon, l...
In 1996 a video game called Quake was released that changed first person shooters forever, inspiring the genre's evolution to true text...
Today I'm taking a quick look at relatively recent Modern Warfare clone Battlefield 3 , though considering the length of military shoot...
Ignore what the title screen says; today's game is actually Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals for the Super Nintendo. They dropped the n...
Now that's the kind of picture I like to see when I put a video game on. Today I'm playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein, third in i...
Today I'm taking a quick look at obscure Amiga platformer Top Banana , because I must. I played this once when I was really young you se...
First up, I want to apologise to the guy who was kind enough to gift this game to me as I've taken forever to get around to playing it. ...
Today on Super Adventures, because YOU demanded it, I'm taking a quick look at another Mega Man game! Last year I played the original M...
Today's game shall be first person parkour platformer Mirror's Edge on the PC, though I imagine it's much the same game on PS3 ...
I can't tell if that's Indiana Jones wearing a clown nose or a clown doing cosplay. Today I'm having a quick go of the PC port o...
Today I am finally taking a look at Shadow Warrior or ( Shadow Warrior Classic as its now been rechristened), 3D Realms' second game a...
I guess the symbol for the apocalypse is the anarchy symbol with a cross on top then. Today I'm finally getting around to another reques...
The Doom franchise is 20 years old this year so I thought it'd be a good time to take a brief look at the original Doom , id software...
Here's another requested game for you: Dragon Egg! on the TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine console, released in 1991. Actually it's only rea...
Just for you, NINTONDO MAN. I've never played this game before, but I can tell you exactly three things about it. It's for the 3DO. ...
Here's another requested game for you. This time I'm taking a quick look at PC RPG Septerra Core , released in late '99. It came...
Huh, is that red rabbit's arm bracer melting? Oh wait, I think that's actually his tongue dripping. It's been over two years sin...
Surprise! Hey everyone, I'm back! At least for today. As if I would miss Obscure-As-All-Hell Animated Cat Game August! Previously on Ani...
On reflection I think my Planescape: Torment post last time might have dragged on a little long. In fact I reckon I've been droning on ...
Okay, today I'm playing critically acclaimed universally adored D&D PC RPG Planescape Torment! Actually it's set in the Planesc...
This time I'm taking a quick look at another requested game: Galerians on the original PlayStation. From the title I thought this one w...
Today I'm playing Lethal Weapon on the Amiga by Ocean Software, the former kings of licenced movie tie-in games. The game came out just...
Today I'm taking a quick look at a game on the PlayStation called Silent Bomber . I've been wanting to give this a try since I first...
Alright, today's game is gritty 90s adventure game DreamWeb . I can't believe it's taken me so long to get around to this one; t...
Today I thought I'd take a quick look at Final Fantasy X on the PlayStation 2 and see what that's all about. Depending on who you t...
Today I'm having a brief go at Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel by Turok developers Iguana. This is actually a spin-off of mascot platformer...
One last PC game for a while, something light this time so that my computer doesn't explode into searing hot silicon shrapnel in this mo...
Today I feel compelled by fate to take a quick look at genealogical Rogue- lite Rogue Legacy (not to be confused with PlayStation 2 JRPG Ro...
The Steam Summer Sale (2013) is still dragging on, doing it's best to tempt me into poverty, so I figured that today I'd have a quic...
It's Steam Summer Sale time (2013) so I figured I'd play something vaguely Steam related today, and what better choice than the very...
It's been months since I've had a 'super' game on the site, but this one definitely has a name worth waiting for. ' Supe...
Holy crap, am I up to Final Fantasy IX already? Man, that's a lot of JRPGs. This one was the last of the original PlayStation era (and ...
Today I'm taking a look at Hameln no Violin Hiki , a Super Famicom game based on the manga/anime series of the same name: ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き ...
Today I'm going to have a quick look at classic BioWare title Baldur's Gate . Well, relatively quick; the game's an RPG so if I...