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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Rogue Trip: Vacation 2015 (PSX)

12:18 PM
Happy New Year, and welcome to the first Super Adventure in Gaming of 2015!

I decided that my New Year's resolution for the site this year should be to put more effort and care into my writing, and to make a more insightful and interesting analysis of the games I play. To be more thoughtful and balanced with my criticism, and to select only the most fascinating, unusual, and beautiful video games to share screenshots from.

But then I got sick with this bloody cold. So fuck it, I'm going to put in a crap playstation game for an hour, rant about how it pissed me off, and then I'm crawling back into bed.

It's clever because 'Rogue Trip' kind of sounds like 'Road Trip'. Also it's set in 2015, wow that's this year!

I feel like I should be guessing what other game logos they took the letters from though. Well the 'G' could be from Goldeneye 007...
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